Nick Racca

What started off as a memorial tournament amongst friends in 2010 to honor Nick Racca has now become a perennial philanthropy passion to support cancer warriors and their family. As observers to the impacts cancer has on a family, our mission has been to raise funds, bring awareness and inspire our communities to get involved in the ongoing battle. Take action and join the fight today!

The Who, What and Why of RCF…

  • We have all been affected by cancer in someway shape or form whether it be a close family member, friend or oneself. When cancer happens to us in any of those ways, it affects everyone close to the afflicted, especially the direct family. Most cancer foundations exist primarily to pay for medical bills, which is extremely helpful and necessary. However, there is more to a cancer affected family than medical bills such as work hardships, COVID concerns limiting outside public activities for all family members, and other new lifestyle investments to accommodate the drastic change in home life. This is why Racca Cancer Foundation (RCF) donates the proceeds raised directly to the family to spend on the unforeseen and unexpected adjustments that are forced upon them.

  • Our dream started to take shape after the 3rd annual Racca Memorial disc golf tournament. Members of the disc golf community from all walks of life heard what we were doing and asked to be a part of the experience. The overwhelming support and desire to be involved reaffirmed we had something special and made us believe we could make a larger impact in the name of our fallen brother, Nick.

    RCF was born and the team assembled to start making our dream a reality, growing each year with the ambitions and generosity of our expanding staff. All RCF team members are 100% volunteer giving their time and effort out of the kindness of their hearts. We are fueled by passion and sense of community with a goal to bring awareness while addressing gaps the afflicted and their families face when battling cancer, together.

  • From the bench the 2nd year to the first two families we donated to, it was a long journey with a ton of work. Lack of 501C3 designation was a huge obstacle to overcome for businesses to donate sums larger than $250. With 100% of the monies being donated to a recipient, it was difficult to partner with a CPA to aid us in the task due to costs. However in 2019, with hard work, dedication, and a lot of “who you know” connections, RCF was able to acquire the much needed 501C3 Non Profit status — it was a game changer!
    RCF’s relationship continued to grow with Blue Ribbon Pines (BRP) which hosted each of the annual Racca Memorial Disc Golf Tournaments to date. BRP plays a vital role in helping RCF scale its ambitions each year as well as assisting with planning future events. We have become the perfect partnership.

  • With 501C3 in hand, businesses can get credit for their donations which has increased contributions across the board. Also, BRP has played a critical role in accommodating over 250 annual tournament players, the largest one-day Disc Golf tournament in Minnesota, by adjusting their course layout. The course modifications provide infrastructure to host an additional 250+ more patrons to enjoy live music, food, raffles and other fun events. The Racca Memorial Disc Golf tournament is BRP’s and RCF’s largest annual event! With the help from our strategic partnership along with our generous sponsors, we have been given opportunities for these events to continue growing and improving in order to better serve our cancer warriors and the battling community.