15th Annual Racca Disc Golf Tournament - September 14th, 2024

Meet Neil.

From the family (Written Early 2024):

Fourteen-year-old Neil has always been a lively and athletic boy, with a deep love for basketball and fishing. His energy and enthusiasm were a constant source of joy until October 10th, 2021, when his world turned upside down. Neil's mom, Lisa, made a frantic call to 911 after being unable to wake him. This marked the beginning of numerous emergency room visits, hospital stays, and frustrating misdiagnoses. On November 17th, Neil was admitted to Mayo Hospital, and just six days later, he received the devastating news: he had brain cancer that had spread to his spine.

In a race against time, Neil's medical team began emergency radiation therapy. Remarkably, within just three days, Neil started to show signs of progress. He then underwent proton beam radiation, completing a grueling 37 rounds in total. By August 2022, after enduring months of chemotherapy and hospital stays, Neil's scans finally showed no signs of cancer. He could relish a year of health and normalcy, experiencing life as any teenager should. One of the highlights was an unforgettable trip to Alaska, granted through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, where Neil could momentarily escape his reality and just be a kid.

However, in August 2023, routine scans brought the heart-wrenching news that the cancer had returned. Neil faced another brain biopsy in October, and by November, he began a new chemotherapy regimen. Despite the harrowing side effects, the treatment showed promise, and by February 2024, there was hope again as the tumor began to shrink. Sadly, in March, new scans revealed that the chemotherapy was no longer effective, and the cancer continued to spread.

Despite these setbacks, Neil's spirit remains unbroken. He and his medical team are embarking on a new treatment plan, refusing to give up hope. Neil's journey has been one of resilience and courage. As he continues to fight, there's a powerful opportunity for others to get to know this remarkable young man. Neil's story is one of perseverance and unwavering determination, and he inspires all who meet him to cherish each moment and never stop believing in the possibility of brighter days ahead.