Meet Leah.
From the family:
((Written in 2018))
After the wonderful Nick Racca benefit last year, Leah has sure come a long way over this last year. October – December were pretty rough on Leah. She was hit with the hardest rounds of chemo that they give for her type of Leukemia (ALL – Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). She did lose all of her hair. She had to get leg braces as she was having difficulty walking, and not walking correctly. Over her birthday last October, Leah was hospitalized for 2 and ½ weeks due to her white blood count number being so low. She had a pretty amazing birthday in the hospital. We were able to have family come over to spend the afternoon with Leah. She also received over 3,000 cards in the mail! She was one lucky girl to get cards from all over the United States as well as all over the world!
Starting in January of this year, Leah started the Maintenance phase of her chemotherapy. She will continue on this cycle until July, 2019. Leah goes to Rochester every month for blood work, chemo in her port and a doctor visit. Every three months she gets a lumbar puncture where the inject chemo in her spinal column and test her spinal fluid for cancer cells. I am so grateful to God that they report after every lumbar puncture that it is negative for cancer cells. She takes at home chemo pills along with some steroids and other medications she has to take that is all part of this regimen. She does pretty good with all of it. I am so blessed.
Throughout the year, Leah was able to attend her last year of preschool. She did miss a bunch of school days, but kept up and ended the school year great. This summer was filled with playing in the kiddie pool at her grandma and grandpa’s house and playing outside. She also loves spending time with her brother Ian. Ian is 3 and spends every waking moment with his sister. They are buddies, but also siblings, so they do get in the occasional bickering/fight. LOL.
Leah started Kindergarten last week! She is so excited! Her first couple of days were great. She loves her teacher and loves to learn, so I am looking forward to seeing her grow so much this year. I am happy to report that Leah no longer needs her leg braces! She does go to physical therapy every week to continue to strengthen her legs. She will continue to do that until she is completely done with chemo next year.
Next month, Leah and our family are going to Florida for her Make-A-Wish wish over her birthday week. We are so blessed and are really looking forward to this for Leah and our family. Our family gets to go to the Disney parks, Universal Studios and Sea World. The kids are beyond excited!
To this wonderful group of guys and all the volunteers that helped us a year ago with this wonderful benefit, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are sorry we can’t make it to the benefit this year. We will be praying for a great benefit for the Packs! God bless! – Anne Mueller and Family