Meet Casey.

From the family:

((Written in 2018))

On September 28, 2016 at the age of 16 Casey was diagnosed with Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor (DRSCT), a rare form of sarcoma cancer. He was immediately put on chemo and for the next several months would be in and out of the hospital for treatments. He has also had radiation to his liver and femur. The ultimate goal was a series of treatments that would be completed out of state; 14 months after diagnosis he was ready. Casey and his Mom went to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. There he received debulking surgery where they removed 140 tumors from his abdomen along with HIPEC chemotherapy, followed by 4 weeks of whole abdominal radiation. Upon arrival home, chemotherapy continued.
In April of this year his scans revealed the cancer progressed and spread to his brain and has also returned to his lungs along with new disease in both femurs. He had 3 weeks of whole brain radiation too. He will continue with treatments.
Casey's now 18, has always had an energy about him. A hockey player since 9, he also played baseball, football, and Lacrosse... but hockey was his game.
He enjoys all the same things most teenagers do. Friends, video games, music and hanging out. His sense of humor is accompanied by quick wit and snappy comebacks.
Family is important to Casey as well. His three brothers Jim (20), Dylan (14), and Mason (11), are closer then they may sometimes appear. It's no contest he is loved by family and friends alike. His courage, strength, and will to battle are inspiring to say the least. We are proud of his bravery and can-do attitude. He is our warrior, rock, and inspiration.


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