Meet Shay.

From the family:

(Written in 2021)

Shay Fuchs, Age 5, literally fell into a life changing moment this past January. She took a tumble from her bunk bed and her mother, Holly, brought her into the emergency room to get checked out. During a scan for internal damage, they found a tumor on her right kidney. Shay was then admitted into the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital.

She was diagnosed with a Stage 4 Wilms Tumor in her right kidney on January 15th. Unfortunately, the fall caused the tumor to rupture. Shad had to have chemotherapy every week for six weeks. She just recently had her tumor, kidney, and adrenal gland removed on March 5th.

She started chemotherapy again March 15th. She will have these treatments for another 6 months.

This little girl is so strong! With her sister Riley by her side. She feels like she can conquer anything! She came up with a new name for herself: Shay, Warrior Princess! And she has been battling. She has blown the doctors and nurses away with her bravery and her might!

There are no words to express the gratitude that this family feels for everyone that has prayed and or donated what they could!


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